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June 4, 2020
On 3rd June, the German government agreed on a new economic stimulus package. Regarding electromobility the following measures have been set: - The buyer's premium for the purchase of electric cars (up to a net price of 40.000 €) will be raised to 9.579 € (6.000 € by government, 3.579 € by car OEMs). This is a raise of 3.000 € by the government and limited until end of 2021 - The max. allowed net price of company cars that are eligible for the reduced taxation of 0.25% is increased from 40.000 € to 60.000 € - The 10 year motor vehicle tax exemption for electric cars will be granted until end of 2025 - There will be a 200 mio. € fund for social services to electrify their fleets - There will be a 2.5 bn. € fund to speed up the ramp-up of charging infrastructure and facility research in emobility and battery cell manufacturing. The realization of an unique payment option at charging stations is accelerated - All petrol stations in Germany will have to install a charging infrastructure - There is an additional 1.2 bn. € fund for the electrification of bus and truck fleets incl. charging infrastructure valid until end of 2021